AISD Current School Board Information
- Practice your speech in front of a mirror or friends
- Time yourself – 1 minutes goes by quickly
Suggested outline for comments:
- Introduction – Who you are (parent/community member/former student/educator) and also a member of the Coalition for Special Education Equity
- Main concern – inclusion, staffing, bilingual support, and communication/transparency
- Supporting points – stories, data, facts
- Requests – Add special education topics to school board agenda item and add to strategic plan and superintendent scorecard
- Conclusion – Thanks and restate concern requests
For in person meetings, at the meeting
- Will announce next 3 speakers when they call a speaker up
- Timer starts when you start speaking
- If you’re an AISD parent, say so
- Need to wrap up final sentence when it starts beeping
- New: Speakers may not be accompanied to the podium by other people
- Bring 10 copies of your statement and supporting information to hand to guard to left of dais
- You can hand in printed public comments even if you’re not speaking, give to the Community Engagement Coordinator
- Write comments on note cards provided at the meeting and hand them to the Community Engagement Coordinator
- Email all board members at